
AutoShare, a freeware list server and auto-responder for the Macintosh.
This document is copyright © 1999 Mikael Hansen.

Q: I'm already running a list server. Can I still use AutoShare?

A: Yes. And you may want to, because AutoShare may offer services that your other software does not. AutoShare is also freeware, so there are no shareware fees to pay if you like it.

Q: How do I begin with AutoShare?

A: AutoShare may be initially configured by starting up the application, entering two e-mail addresses (Cmd-M, then enter valid listmaster and bounce addresses) and creating four folders (Cmd-F, then select the Filed Mail, Incoming Mail, Document and List Server folders). The domain in the bounce address should reflect that of the server's IP address.

Q: Can I launch other applications at scheduled times?

A: Yes, Cron is built into the freeware AutoShare server software. Simply create Finder aliases to the applications to be launched, rename to Cron-like time patterns and put them in a Launch folder. You can also shut down the applications, reboot or shut down the Macintosh.

Another way to keep applications up is by specifying a series of application creator codes and how often AutoShare should check to see if they are running and be launched if they're not.

Q: Can AutoShare be used to send mail?

A: The server application is fully AppleScriptable and includes a Send Mail command, which may be used to hand over a message file to your mail server.

Q: Are IP address lookups supported?

A: AutoShare can do direct DNS lookups via the IP Info AppleScript command or the Admin(istrator) application.

Q: Can I use AutoShare for auto-responses?

A: Auto-responses have been in AutoShare from the very beginning and support subject-specific replies and BinHex attachments. The quick tutorial shows how to quickly create an auto-response service.

Q: How about vacation notices?

A: The vacation notice service, also an oldie but a goodie, is much like an auto-response which in addition supports the one notice only feature.

Q: Can I use AutoShare's built-in bounce module for my list server?

A: The freeware AutoShare server software offers sophisticated automated bounce processing of both hard and soft bounces. Incoming bounce messages and outgoing test messages are handled in a regular fashion using folders for message files. The required access to subscriber lookup and removal is likely to be accomplished by a Database process extender, if your list server software is scriptable.

Q: Is it possible to run AutoShare as a list server along with my other list server software?

A: Yes, there is no conflict in doing so, if you already have a mail server running. Some lists may benefit from features offered by AutoShare as a list server and not by your other list server software. The quick tutorial shows how to quickly create a new list.

Last updated on January 28 1999 by Mikael Hansen